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/ Ham Radio 2000 #2 / Ham Radio 2000 - Volume 2.iso / HAMV2 / LOGS / PCSWM30 / FDTOHD.BAT < prev    next >
DOS Batch File  |  1996-02-28  |  13KB  |  298 lines

  1. echo off
  2. cls
  3. echo ***********************************************************************
  4. echo *                       PC SHORTWAVE MONITOR(tm)                      *
  5. echo *                     "The Logging Organizer"(tm)                     *
  6. echo *       Copyright (c) 1991-1996 S. Gitlin;  All rights reserved.      *
  7. echo *                                                                     *
  8. echo *             * * First Time Hard Drive Installation. * *             *
  9. echo *                                                                     *
  10. echo *      This install program is only for new users of the program -    *
  11. echo *      all files will be installed in a new directory, \PCSWM.        *
  12. echo *                                                                     *
  13. echo *   Do not use for upgrades - See file UPGRADE.DOC for upgrade info.  *
  14. echo *                                                                     *
  15. echo *     Register PC SHORTWAVE MONITOR(tm) on CompuServe (GO SWREG) -    *
  16. echo *                    Select registration ID: 10171                    *
  17. echo *                                                                     *
  18. echo *          Press [ESC] to cancel - any other key to continue.         *
  19. echo *                                                                     *
  20. echo ***********************************************************************
  21. ask
  22. if not errorlevel 28 if errorlevel 27 goto end
  23. :next
  24. set s=x
  25. cls
  26. echo ***********************************************************************
  27. echo *                                                                     *
  28. echo *       You are installing files FROM floppy drive A or B ?           *
  29. echo *                                                                     *
  30. echo *         Indicate drive letter A, B, or [ESC] to cancel.             *
  31. echo *                                                                     *
  32. echo ****                                                               ****
  33. ask
  34. if not errorlevel 67 if errorlevel 66 set s=B:
  35. if not errorlevel 66 if errorlevel 65 set s=A:
  36. if not errorlevel 28 if errorlevel 27 goto end
  37. if %s%==B: goto goodkey
  38. if %s%==A: goto goodkey
  39. echo ****                   INVALID DRIVE SPECIFIED.                    ****
  40. pause
  41. goto next
  42. :goodkey
  43. echo ****                                                               ****
  44. echo *                                                                     *
  45. echo *   You are installing files FROM floppy drive %s% ? (Y/N) or [ESC].   *
  46. echo *                                                                     *
  47. echo ***********************************************************************
  48. ask
  49. if not errorlevel 90 if errorlevel 89 goto cfiles
  50. if not errorlevel 79 if errorlevel 78 goto next
  51. if not errorlevel 28 if errorlevel 27 goto end
  52. :cfiles
  53. cls
  54. echo ***********************************************************************
  55. echo *                                                                     *
  56. echo *     Checking original program disk for complete file listing...     *
  57. echo *                                                                     *
  58. echo ***********************************************************************
  59. echo checking for %s%\SW3.EXE
  60. if exist %s%\sw3.exe goto nf2
  61. :loop1
  62. cls
  63. echo ***********************************************************************
  64. echo *   Insert Original Program Disk Containing 25 files into drive %s%    *
  65. echo *                                                                     *
  66. echo *                          [ESC] to cancel.                           *
  67. echo ***********************************************************************
  68. ask
  69. if not errorlevel 28 if errorlevel 27 goto end
  70. goto cfiles
  71. :nf2
  72. echo checking for %s%\LOG2.DBF
  73. if exist %s%\log2.dbf goto nf3
  74. goto loop1
  75. :nf3
  76. echo checking for %s%\CTRYSRT2.NTX
  77. if exist %s%\ctrysrt2.ntx goto nf4
  78. goto loop1
  79. :nf4
  80. echo checking for %s%\DATESRT2.NTX
  81. if exist %s%\datesrt2.ntx goto nf5
  82. goto loop1
  83. :nf5
  84. echo checking for %s%\FREQSRT2.NTX
  85. if exist %s%\freqsrt2.ntx goto nf6
  86. goto loop1
  87. :nf6
  88. echo checking for %s%\LGENTRY2.NTX
  89. if exist %s%\lgentry2.ntx goto nf7
  90. goto loop1
  91. :nf7
  92. echo checking for %s%\MASTER2.NTX
  93. if exist %s%\master2.ntx goto nf8
  94. goto loop1
  95. :nf8
  96. echo checking for %s%\MAILCTRY.NTX
  97. if exist %s%\mailctry.ntx goto nf9
  98. goto loop1
  99. :nf9
  100. echo checking for %s%\OWNER.MEM
  101. if exist %s%\owner.mem goto nf10
  102. goto loop1
  103. :nf10
  104. echo checking for %s%\HOLDCOL.MEM
  105. if exist %s%\holdcol.mem goto nf11
  106. goto loop1
  107. :nf11
  108. echo checking for %s%\MANUAL.DOC
  109. if exist %s%\manual.doc goto nf12
  110. goto loop1
  111. :nf12
  112. echo checking for %s%\LICENSE.DOC
  113. if exist %s%\license.doc goto nf13
  114. goto loop1
  115. :nf13
  116. echo checking for %s%\ORDER.DOC
  117. if exist %s%\order.doc goto nf14
  118. goto loop1
  119. :nf14
  120. echo checking for %s%\UPGRADE.DOC
  121. if exist %s%\upgrade.doc goto nf15
  122. goto loop1
  123. :nf15
  124. echo checking for %s%\ASK.COM
  125. if exist %s%\ask.com goto nf16
  126. goto loop1
  127. :nf16
  128. echo checking for %s%\PCSWM.CFG
  129. if exist %s%\pcswm.cfg goto nf17
  130. goto loop1
  131. :nf17
  132. echo checking for %s%\MAILDATA.DBF
  133. if exist %s%\maildata.dbf goto nf18
  134. goto loop1
  135. :nf18
  136. echo checking for %s%\HOLD1.MEM
  137. if exist %s%\hold1.mem goto nf19
  138. goto loop1
  139. :nf19
  140. echo checking for %s%\HOLD2.MEM
  141. if exist %s%\hold2.mem goto nf20
  142. goto loop1
  143. :nf20
  144. echo checking for %s%\HOLD3.MEM
  145. if exist %s%\hold3.mem goto nf21
  146. goto loop1
  147. :nf21
  148. echo checking for %s%\HOLD4.MEM
  149. if exist %s%\hold4.mem goto nf22
  150. goto loop1
  151. :nf22
  152. echo checking for %s%\PRINTER1.MEM
  153. if exist %s%\printer1.mem goto nf23
  154. goto loop1
  155. :nf23
  156. echo checking for %s%\FILE_ID.DIZ
  157. if exist %s%\file_id.diz goto nf24
  158. goto loop1
  159. :nf24
  160. echo checking for %s%\PRINTER2.MEM
  161. if exist %s%\printer2.mem goto next1
  162. goto loop1
  163. :next1
  165. pause
  166. :next1a
  167. set t=y
  168. cls
  169. echo **********************************************************************
  170. echo *                                                                    *
  171. echo *    You are installing files TO hard drive C, D, E, F, G, or H ?    *
  172. echo *                                                                    *
  173. echo *        Indicate drive letter C, D, E, F, G, H, or [ESC].           *
  174. echo *                                                                    *
  175. echo ****                                                              ****
  176. ask
  177. if not errorlevel 73 if errorlevel 72 set t=H:
  178. if not errorlevel 72 if errorlevel 71 set t=G:
  179. if not errorlevel 71 if errorlevel 70 set t=F:
  180. if not errorlevel 70 if errorlevel 69 set t=E:
  181. if not errorlevel 69 if errorlevel 68 set t=D:
  182. if not errorlevel 68 if errorlevel 67 set t=C:
  183. if not errorlevel 28 if errorlevel 27 goto end
  184. if %t%==H: goto gkey2
  185. if %t%==G: goto gkey2
  186. if %t%==F: goto gkey2
  187. if %t%==E: goto gkey2
  188. if %t%==D: goto gkey2
  189. if %t%==C: goto gkey2
  190. echo ****                   INVALID DRIVE SPECIFIED.                   ****
  191. pause
  192. goto next1a
  193. :gkey2
  194. echo ****                                                              ****
  195. echo *                                                                    *
  196. echo *    You are installing files TO hard drive %t% ? (Y/N) or [ESC].     *
  197. echo *                                                                    *
  198. echo **********************************************************************
  199. ask
  200. if not errorlevel 90 if errorlevel 89 goto next2
  201. if not errorlevel 79 if errorlevel 78 goto next1a
  202. if not errorlevel 28 if errorlevel 27 goto end
  203. :next2
  204. cls
  205. echo **********************************************************************
  206. echo *                                                                    *
  207. echo *       You are installing files from drive %s% to drive %t% ?         *
  208. echo *                                                                    *
  209. echo *                           (Y/N) or [ESC]                           *
  210. echo *                                                                    *
  211. echo **********************************************************************
  212. ask
  213. if not errorlevel 90 if errorlevel 89 goto next3
  214. if not errorlevel 79 if errorlevel 78 goto next
  215. if not errorlevel 28 if errorlevel 27 goto end
  216. :next3
  217. cls
  218. if not exist %t%\nul goto message
  219. if exist %t%\pcswm\nul goto next4
  220. goto next5
  221. :message
  222. %s%
  223. cls
  224. echo **********************************************************************
  225. echo *                                                                    *
  226. echo *           Install program does not recognize drive %t% ...          *
  227. echo *                                                                    *
  228. echo *                   [S]elect new hard drive letter?                  *
  229. echo *                   [ESC] to cancel.                                 *
  230. echo *                                                                    *
  231. echo *                   Indicate choice S or [ESC].                      *
  232. echo *                                                                    *
  233. echo **********************************************************************
  234. ask
  235. if not errorlevel 84 if errorlevel 83 goto next1a
  236. if not errorlevel 28 if errorlevel 27 goto end
  237. :next4
  238. cls
  239. echo **********************************************************************
  240. echo *                                                                    *
  241. echo *           Drive %t% already contains a directory /PCSWM.            *
  242. echo *                                                                    *
  243. echo *           Files in this directory will be overwritten!             *
  244. echo *             Previous logging records will be erased.               *
  245. echo *                                                                    *
  246. echo *                   [P]roceed with installation?                     *
  247. echo *                   [S]elect new hard drive letter?                  *
  248. echo *                   [ESC] to cancel.                                 *
  249. echo *                                                                    *
  250. echo *                   Indicate choice P, S, or [ESC].                  *
  251. echo *                                                                    *
  252. echo **********************************************************************
  253. ask
  254. if not errorlevel 84 if errorlevel 83 goto next1a
  255. if not errorlevel 81 if errorlevel 80 goto next5
  256. if not errorlevel 28 if errorlevel 27 goto end
  257. :next5
  258. cls
  259. echo **************************************************************************
  260. echo *            Installing PC SHORTWAVE MONITOR(tm) in %t%\PCSWM             *
  261. echo **************************************************************************
  262. mkdir %t%\pcswm
  263. copy %s%\*.* %t%\pcswm
  264. if exist c:\config.sys goto cfgmsg
  265. copy %s%\pcswm.cfg c:\config.sys
  266. echo ***************************************************************************
  267. echo *            PC SHORTWAVE MONITOR(tm) installation complete               *
  268. echo *                                                                         *
  269. echo *                          To start program:                              *
  270. echo *                                                                         *
  271. echo *                        - type SW3 [ENTER]                               *
  272. echo ***************************************************************************
  273. cd %t%\pcswm
  274. goto end
  275. :cfgmsg
  276. cls
  277. echo ***************************************************************************
  278. echo *              PC SHORTWAVE MONITOR(tm) files transferred.                *
  279. echo *                                                                         *
  280. echo *            Program detects a pre-existing CONFIG.SYS file.              *
  281. echo *   The following MINIMUM values must be present for FILES and BUFFERS,   *
  282. echo *                                                                         *
  283. echo *                              FILES=20                                   *
  284. echo *                              BUFFERS=8                                  *
  285. echo *                                                                         *
  286. echo *       Please check and modify your CONFIG.SYS file if necessary.        *
  287. echo *                See MANUAL.DOC for further information.                  *
  288. echo *                                                                         *
  289. echo *                 After checking/modifying CONFIG.SYS:                    *
  290. echo *                                                                         *
  291. echo *             - log onto drive containing installed program.              *
  292. echo *             - change to \PCSWM subdirectory.                            *
  293. echo *             - type SW3 [ENTER].                                         *
  294. echo ***************************************************************************
  295. :end
  296. set s=
  297. set t=